Projects from ARC5935 - Seminar in situ: Miami Beach, a course offered by Florida International University's
School of Architecture and taught by David Rifkind at the College of Architecture + The Arts'
new Miami Beach Urban Studios on Lincoln Road.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

SoundScape Analysis - Ana C. Benatuil

Tasting the Sound of the New World Symphony

The New World Symphony Soundscape located on Miami Beach is an experience that triggers the senses, whether you are passing by, staying to watch a movie and have a picnic, or only seating temporarily to watch a piece played by the symphony. All of our senses are triggered through the whole experience. Starting by the touch of wind by being on an open space, following by the sound of music and sight of movies projected on the wall with an extremely high technology equipment, also combined with the smell and taste of food taken to picnic at the park.

Touch of wind and nature at the NWS

The five senses are triggered on each person present in the park, being also the main factor that defines public space on the NWS. At a larger scale: the whole park is public, any existing individual can be at the park at the time of an event. The touch of nature, climate and wind defines the calmness and openness of the park, and it’s being experienced the same way by every individual present at the same time, placing the experience in the same dimension.

The sound coming from the soundscape systems defines the area for people to gather within the speakers at the perimeter, which also defines the area where one would get an excellent vision of the projections on the wall. At the same time, specific groups of people gather within themselves in conversation, claiming their own individual space within the park. If one gets too close to someone else’s conversation, it feels like an invasion of their claimed space.

Sound defining the space where people gather to listen to a movie of a concert.
Sights of the projections on the wall
People usually gather in groups, but each individual experiences the park differently. In the context of a concert being played or a movie being watched, people gather around the food they bring to share. Whether it is bread and cheese, a cup of wine or a pack of cookies, the taste of food brings the experience to another level. Each individual is now experiencing in the same place, at the same time, listening to the same music or watching the same movie, but adding the sense of taste, completely changing the way they perceive the concert or movie.

People gather in conversation claiming their own space at the Park
Taste of wine, bringing the experience to a new level

The way one experiences the NWS Soundscape area is defined by our senses, but the built environment is a contributor to a successful experience. The architecture provides the landscape for people to sit either on the concrete ledge or on the grass, and the way the soundscape system is arranged, defines the area where one would have a better view and sound. One would say that the park offers a successful architecture only if the experience of people attending is enjoyable, and the pleasure one gets from this events are solely experienced through our five senses. “Architecture is not about the conditions of design but about the design of conditions.” – Bernard Tshumi

People experiencing the architecture by seating on concrete ledge and grass

1 comment:

Gray Read said...

You explain that the place gives something to the five senses, then you must show in detail exactly how it does so. What elements of the design shape the experience and how do they integrate the five senses? Drawings with notation would show how it works.