Projects from ARC5935 - Seminar in situ: Miami Beach, a course offered by Florida International University's
School of Architecture and taught by David Rifkind at the College of Architecture + The Arts'
new Miami Beach Urban Studios on Lincoln Road.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

SoundScape Analysis, Luis Valdes-Bartroli

Frank Gehry’s Miami Beach New world Symphony and Landscape Architect West 8 SoundScape Park have arguably made an attempt to redesign the concept of public space and public media display. The 1 hectare park is located 2 blocks north of Lincoln road. An open-air promenade running east to west between 16th Street and 17th Street. Once open to vehicular traffic, it now hosts a pedestrian row of shops, restaurants, galleries, and other businesses between Washington Avenue and Alton Road.

The quality of the space in SoundScape Park by West 8 Architects is rather unique. The park’s ground plane is segmented or divided vertically on the spectator’s platform, defining space as scripted pavilions. To separate and in order to make these common spaces West 8 introduces concrete paths and landscape protuberances in the ground plane giving small private spaces which allows for a rather intimate experience with friends and family in an extremely open public space. This translates, to most spectators, as a continuation and as intimate as your own home living space.
The park edges are embraced by a series of pergolas giving a clear sense of entrance from the adjacent streets. The shapes of these aluminum canopies were inspired by “the puffy cumulus clouds inherent in south Florida” (West 8). The aluminum structures will provide support to bougainvillea vines and will not only offer shade but will highlight with a threshold of tint to the park edges and park entry points. The aluminum structures offer support to bougainvillea vines highlighting the park edges. The two dimensional organic shapes sculpted in the park’s platform are carried on inside Gehry’s New world Symphony. Now, in an very specific and Gehry like architectural language, these rather amorphic shaped boxes are suspended in a clerestory lobby area and serve as private rehearsal rooms for the orchestra. This is not your common park which is open during the daytime and is forgotten and empty at night. The Soundscape becomes just as useful a park at night by the coexistence of two main elements; the cast wall of the Symphony the video projection and the landscape of the park.

1 comment:

Gray Read said...

Started off well with description of tiered display and clustered spaces for spectators, then got lazy and repeated things that other people said.
Need drawings